

(->Parse title extension content date transformers path tags category)

Positional factory function for class incise.parsers.parse.Parse.


(dissoc-parses! deleted-paths)

Disassociates the given collection of paths from parses. This is useful during development when a file is deleted from the input directory.


(map->Parse m__5869__auto__)

Factory function for class incise.parsers.parse.Parse, taking a map of keywords to field values.


An atom containing a map of paths to parses generated from files at those paths. This atom is used to record parses created during in the first step of parsing. Recording should take place in the first step so that all parses have been recorded before delays are executed.


(publish-parse? parse-data)

Determine whether or not the given Parse should be publish or not.


(record-parse! canonical-path a-parse)

Record the given parse at the given path in the parses atom.